Aroma, scent, smell, B.O., odorant substance, odor, odiferous, sweet smell, malodorous, fragrance, stench, funk—regardless of what you call it, no human is exempt.
Our scent signature is the John Hancock of our individuality: unique and one-of-a-kind. Individual aroma is a scent fingerprint; no two people smell the same. Humans are naturally inclined to find their tribe, and choose their partner through the sense of smell.
One’s scent determines sexual compatibility, and can also turn off a person’s attraction upon meeting someone whose essence just doesn’t jive with their olfactory senses. Phrases like “Ewww, I hate his smell!” or “Damn, he smells so sexy!,” reflect the impact of scent on relationships.
One's distinct, unique scent is an aromatic thumbprint, determined by genetic predisposition. It identifies the individual. Law enforcement uses dogs to locate missing people because canines have 300 million olfactory receptors which gives them the keen ability to detect and differentiate a vast array of scents at extremely low concentrations. Humans have about 6 million, which is why they must rely on more than just scent to attract sexual compatibility amongst one another. While scent plays a role in initial attraction and subconscious compatibility, several other factors are crucial, like visual attraction, emotional connection, and intellectual compatibility, to name a few. While scent is a part of the complex interplay of attraction, it's one of many factors that contribute to compatibility.
No human is void of odoriferous essence, whether their scent is pleasant or offensive. The question is, what do you consider offensive? Scent is subjective. For example, I cannot stand the smell of the herb cilantro, but my son can’t get enough of it!
Scent is emitted from the sebaceous and sudoriferous glands: the oil and sweat glands that live within the skin. When the sudoriferous glands deposit sweat onto the skin, skin-bacteria intermingle with enzymes called lipases. This combination metabolizes the sugar and protein in sweat, causing a chemical reaction that produces smaller molecules, such as butyric acid. This process creates our distinctive scent signature; who knew that it was all a matter of chemistry! All humans have their own unique blend of about 1,000 different types of bacteria living on the surface of the skin, giving each individual a custom-blended olfactory thumbprint.
It's more than just DNA, however. Factors such as lifestyle, sex, medication, hygiene, and (especially) diet can all influence one's distinctive scent profile.
What we eat has a major impact on our scent, at least temporarily. It's a biological, smelly fact that consuming large amounts of garlic or onions will affect the breath; have you ever engaged in a make-out session after an extra-onion meal at In-and-Out Burger?
What about our bodies? Foods high in sulfurous compounds like allicin will cause their odor to linger for hours! These compounds are absorbed into the blood and lungs after digestion, causing a not-so-sexy sniff-factor. Other volatile culprits are mint, turmeric, blue cheese, fermented foods, and vinegar. Red meat and spicy foods can significantly raise our odoriferous body factor as well.
This is because the amino acids in red meat leave a residue in the intestines during digestion. Intestinal enzymes break down that residue, and the chemicals are released onto the skin via the sudoriferous sweat glands. Skin-bacteria intensify the scent, making it the star of the smell-show. It requires more energy for red meat to digest than other foods, propelling your body to work harder to process it (resulting in more sweat-gland production) and, by extension, more scent secretions!
Vegetables that contain chlorophyll, like leafy greens, naturally cleanse and deodorize the body through oxidation. The main element in chlorophyll is magnesium. Chlorophyll has the ability to release its magnesium and absorb the blood's iron (the main element in blood). The more blood our bodies produce, the more oxygen it creates. Therefore, you seldom have to worry about the funk-factor from clean foods like leafy greens, as well as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
Another great fact about chlorophyll is that it neutralizes the bacteria that cause B.O. in the first place. Be conscious, however, of your cruciferous veggie intake, like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and bok choy. The sulfur and other chemical compounds in these foods, in their raw state, are absorbed into the body, and are later released through the sweat glands. An easy way to remove the stink-factor from these vegetables is to parboil them in salt prior to consuming.
If you feel the urge to munch on them in their raw state before a big date, think again. Unless you intend to scare your date away with a whiff of unwelcomed funk, stay clear of raw cruciferous veggies, as well as garlic and onions, at least 24-48 hours before the meet cute. Upon consumption, it will take about an hour for the cruciferous aroma to signal its arrival, but about 6 hours for your body to completely flush out all of the remnant.
If you go a bit overboard on that crudité prior to the date, don't sweat about your post-binge stench. It takes bateria a few hours to reach the level of odiferous unpleasantness. Bottom line, just be conscious of the foods you eat prior to an event that welcomes you to show-up at your sweet-smelling best.
Fish is lean, digests quickly, and is a good source of nutrition. Omega-3 fatty acids, commonly found in fish oil, are essential for brain function and play a key role in reducing one's risk of heart disease. The fishy stench one associates with seafood is a result of Choline found in some fish, like tuna and salmon. Some individuals are sensitive to choline, creating secretions in their sweat to linger for up to a day after eating fish. This phenomenon will produce a strong, un-date-worthy body odor. In a small number of people, consumption of foods containing choline and carnitine, including some fish, meat, and eggs, can contribute to trimethylaminuria, also known as fishy odor syndrome. If you’re a fish lover, don't fret! Trimethylaminuria isn't common and can be treated by dietary change and antibiotics. So, enjoy your fish but be conscious of potential fish-funk.
Processed junk foods have an elevated refined sugar content and a high glycemic index, which can also funkify our scent. When I was a kid growing up in the 1970’s and 80’s, there was a commercial on television whose message was you are what you eat, and this article adds a whole new layer to that notion.
Junk foods elevate the sugar content in the blood, which accelerates sweat gland production. Junk and processed foods also lack chlorophyll, which, as I mentioned, is the body's natural, built-in deodorizer. Unless you sample these fake foods in moderation, I would stay clear of them! These faux foods not only affect your funk-factor, but the overall health of your skin as well, and that’s an entirely separate conversation.
Low-carb diets may be an olfactory problem for some. When you cut back on carbohydrates, your body has less fuel to burn for energy; when this occurs, your body starts burning fat instead. When you burn fat, you lose weight, but your body produces a chemical excreted through sweat. Fatty secretions are dense and have a higher smell factor. This is not a problem for everyone. It has everything to do with the individual's DNA.
Apocrine sweat glands are located in areas where we have the most abundant number of hair follicles: scalp, armpits, and groin. The eccrine sweat glands regulate body temperature by producing clear, odorless sweat composed mainly of water and salt. The difference between the two is that the job of the apocrine glands is to disperse one's characteristic pheromonal odor onto the skin. It’s job is to actually emit your essence! Eccrine sweat glands are the major sweat glands of the body, located on virtually all areas of the skin. Apocrine sweat, on the other hand, is an oily, fat-infused secretion that is a super-food for the skin’s surface-bacteria to feast on. As opposed to eccrine sweat, which is made up of mostly water, apocrine sweat's main ingredient is sialomucin, which is the biological cousin to milk and colostrum, hence the fatty DNA.
When sweat and oil from apocrine glands become deposited on the surface of the skin, bacteria begin to happily chomp away at those fatty-sweat molecules, like Pac-Man. This process of consumption is what causes one's pheromonal aroma to turn into funky B.O., and that ain't sexy.
Aside from maintaining proper hygiene, and bathing often with a mild cleanser and warm water, the key to managing funky odor lies in the body's surface bacteria. The strongest, most offensive smell that a human can produce will come from the apocrine glands, primarily of the armpits and groin. If these areas are managed to remain bacteria-free, you'll always smell like an English garden; how divine! Here are a few ways to nix the nasty for good:
- KEEP THE AREA CLEAN: Cleanse apocrine-areas everyday. Ayurvedic oils are the best, most skin-friendly way to cleanse whilst keeping the skin balanced. I’ve been using skin oils since the 7th grade, I think they’re incredibly nourishing and beneficial to the skin. However, it’s not realistic for the average consumer to practice Ayurvedic cleansing rituals due to a majority preference for soap and body wash. Therefore, using a mild cleanser mixed with warm water to cleanse the surface of the skin, is a good practice.
If you are someone who produces an abundance of sweat (hyperhidrosis), you can manage surface bacteria with a germicidal cleanser such as Hibaclens, found in your local drugstore. Although this process strips away skin-essential sebum and can be very drying, it's a quick fix to cleanse and disinfect the skin, leaving it bacteria-free in an effort to prevent odor-causing skin-invaders from multiplying.
- MANAGE UNWANTED HAIR: Apocrine sweat is oily and likes to cling to hair like a monkey in a tree. This is a primitive act. The secretion sticks to the hair and to better release its scent. Luckily, modern times have created easier ways to find a mate (thank you dating apps and Chanel No 5), so gone are the days where your body needs to rely on its natural musk as a calling card. Therefore, reducing or removing surface hair means there is less tree for that funky-monkey to cling onto. Bottom line, managing body hair will, by extension, reduce the lingering effects of apocrine gland secretions.
- TREAT THAT FUZZ-FREE SKIN: Natural products containing potassium alum (a mineral salt) or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) will prevent bacteria from multiplying on the skin. These ingredients are like bacteria's Kryptonite and prevent it from forming in the first place. The same theory applies for good ‘ol apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is acidic and if applied to the skin will hinder bacteria’s arrival. This is because bacteria cannot survive on an acidic surface. It's best to apply a diluted version of these products to the skin via a spray pump. Avoid rubbing these minerals directly onto the skin, as they can cause irritation. Spritzing them on, rather than rubbing them in, delivers a thin protective layer that works quite well. There are products on the market from brands like Lume and Native that offer a similar effect.
Prior to adopting any protocol that requires you to experiment with topical products to manage the surface bacteria of your skin, I recommend that you always consult with a board certified dermatologist first. If these tips aren't working for you and you're still experiencing severe odor, it may be an indication of an underlying issue, and your physician should be able to help you.
There is a chronic condition called apocrine bromhidrosis, as well as eccrine bromhidrosis. This occurs when excessive, elevated, body odor emanates from apocrine gland secretions. In the case of eccrine bromhidrosis, the chemical makeup of an individual's sweat production causes bacteria to create an offensive odor through the decomposition of keratin skin-cells.
Bromhidrosis does not discriminate based on ethnicity or skin tone, so consult with your dermatologist if you suspect you have it. This condition is not impressed with social status or how often one bathes. Bromhidrosis can severely impair an individual’s quality of life, as you can imagine. It is a metabolic condition that should be addressed by a physician. Individuals with this condition typically have an overabundance of apocrine glands that are larger in size than average. If you suffer from bromhidrosis, here are some tips to steer you towards the sweet-smelling path:
Keep the area bacteria-free, because becoming odor-free means managing your skin’s surface bacteria. In addition to bromhidrosis, you may also suffer from hyperhidrosis, a condition that creates an excess of sweat production. Hyperhidrosis may be contributing to the funk-factor because it creates a perpetually moist environment on the skin; a perfect breeding ground for bacteria.
Aside from obvious hygienic rituals like washing with a germicidal soap and applying an antiperspirant, injectable protocols such as neuromodulators (like Botox), can significantly reduce the amount of eccrine secretions on areas of the body with excessive sweat production.
Wearing breathable, non-restrictive clothing made of natural fibers will help keep your skin dry. As I mentioned, if you suffer from excessive sweat production, it’s advisable to consult with a board certified dermatologist. Botox or a prescription beta-blocking medication may be the solution for you. Botox injections, when applied to areas of excessive sweat like the armpits, can temporarily reduce the production of apocrine and eccrine gland secretions. Unlike facial neuromodulator injections, which last about 4-6 months, injections in the axilla region can last 7-12 months depending on the patient, and may effectively manage the issue.
Understanding and managing body odor is crucial for both personal comfort and social interactions. Our unique scent-signature is a complex interplay of genetics, lifestyle, diet, and hygienic practices.
While some aroma are natural and even alluring, others can be a source of embarrassment and discomfort! By being mindful of what we eat, maintaining proper hygiene, and using appropriate skin-safe products, we can manage our scent effectively.
As I mentioned a few times, for persistent issues, consulting a dermatologist can provide solutions tailored to individual needs. Bottom line, Embrace your uniqueness, and with the right approach, you can ensure that your personal scent-signature leaves a positive, long-lasting impression.
-Ciao for now, xx
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