As the owner of Miami-based Beauty and Brow Lounge, I have dedicated my career to empowering woman and men by teaching them how to achieve their best aesthetic selves. Armed with three licenses (aesthetics, electrology and cosmetic tattooing), I am passionate about all things beauty, particularly eyebrow anatomy and skin health.
As an eyebrow and makeup artist since 1992, I see dozens of clients a week at my Coral Gables studio, who feed my creative soul and fuel my heart everyday. Although I've been a beauty blogger since 2013, I'm thrilled to offer you my 2.0 version of Beauty and Brow Girl here on PMU Thrive Society, as well as my podcast, The Beauty Lounge, founded in 2019.
I have always been driven to educate others about eyebrows, beauty, and skin-care, and I'm doing that one episode at a time.
As a podcaster, my goal is to guide listeners on the right path in beauty and skin care, helping them achieve their best aesthetic selves.
-Ciao for now, xo Rose
Episode 1
Beautiful Skin in 4 Easy Steps
If you would like to adopt a skin-care regime that works for your unique skin goals, my 4 simple steps are easy, affordable and game-changing! There is no magic want to to achieving beautiful skin. But I promise you that great skin is attainable with my expert tips, and little bit of effort! So, start your journey to great skin today!
Episode 2
All About Eyebrows: How to Grow, Groom & Maintain
The eyebrows are the quintessential pillars of the face, but years of over tweezing can render them thin and sparse. I have shaped and styled thousands of brows over the course of three decades and I've learned a thing or two about hair loss as well as tips to grow and get your your brows back on track.
Episode 3
ACNE 101: How to Maintain Clear Skin
This episode is all about acne prevention! Clear skin begins with understanding how the skin-canvas works, what is needs to stay healthy and clear, and how acne creeps it's way to the surface. There is power in the knowing and after listening to this episode you will master the art of maintaining clear, beautiful skin.
Episode 4
Common Beauty Questions Answered
In this episode I answer three commonly asked questions: HOW to diminish pores, HOW to make fine lines and wrinkles go away and HOW to properly clean makeup brushes. As always I explain -in detail- the answered to these questions, and then some!
Episode 5
MICROBLADING: Tattoo or Permanent Makeup?
What exactly is Microblading and what is all the fuss about? Is it a tattoo? Is it semi permanent? Is this method of brow tattooing the best choice for you? Are there better options? If you'd like to hear more about the microblading brow trend, keep listening....
Episode 6
FIVE Common BEAUTY MYTHS Answered (part 1)
I answer 5 commonly asked beauty myths, such as: Does chocolate really cause break-outs? What causes under-eye discoloration? and can individuals with oily skin use facial oils? As always I dissect and explain each category allowing you to make your own informed conclusions.